IMPORTANT: This product is for the annual renewal fee -- NOT for first-time buyers. Time for another phenomenal year for the bridge builders at your school! Continue making a difference in the lives of your students for another year by renewing your status as a Golden Gate School. The Golden Package has everything you need to bring The Golden Gate Movement to your middle school.
The Golden Gate Movement is a non-profit organization, which means we put every penny we make back into our program. A donation of any size is greatly appreciated and will be used to further our efforts in creating a pro-social culture of kindness and compassion in schools around the nation. If you have any questions about how your donation will be used, please read the information provided below in "Description".
The board members of The Golden Gate Movement have spared no expense in time or money to make sure every school can adopt our program successfully -- especially elementary schools. Our Golden Gate Kids Program Package has everything you need for a powerful, yet simple implementation that children can relate to and retain. For an itemized list of what is included, please scroll further down and read the information provided in the Product Description tab. IMPORTANT: This package is for elementary schools.
The board members of The Golden Gate Movement have spared no expense in time or money to make sure every school can adopt our program successfully. The Golden Package has everything you need for a powerful, yet simple implementation in your high school. For an itemized list of what is included in the Golden Package, please scroll further down and read the information provided in the Product Description tab. IMPORTANT: This package is for high schools.
The board members of The Golden Gate Movement have spared no expense in time or money to make sure every school can adopt our program successfully. The Golden Package has everything you need for a powerful, yet simple implementation in your middle school. For an itemized list of what is included in the Golden Package, please scroll further down and read the information provided in the Product Description tab. IMPORTANT: This package is for middle schools.