

The Golden Gate Movement is a non-profit organization, which means we put every penny we make back into our program.  A donation of any size is greatly appreciated and will be used to further our efforts in creating a pro-social culture of kindness and compassion in schools around the nation. If you have any questions about how your donation will be used, please read the information provided below in “Description”.


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As a non-profit organization, the Golden Gate Movement thrives on the support of the community. By making a donation, you’re providing us with the funding we need to improve the culture in schools around the nation by accomplishing the following:

  • Providing administrators with all of the tools and resources they need to make a difference in their school
  • Updating our materials with new information and resources
  • Distributing Golden Series Apparel to club members at a price students can afford
  • Hosting leadership conferences, school assemblies, and other events put forth to train administrators and appointed student leaders on how to create a community of kindness in their schools
  • Conducting thorough research and extensive surveys in schools across the nation to fine tune our methods and better serve the students
  • Developing an online presence that makes us easy to find for those who struggle with bullying and other corrupt social behaviors in their school
  • Creating a consistent stream of resources, lesson plans, and activities for administrators to use in changing the culture of their school
  • And so much more!!!

If you have any further questions about donating to our cause, please feel free to contact us.


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